Studio sketches

He's my studio mate,had a really tiring day in office with his production work and fell asleep on his chair..I was actually doodling around on my sketchbook and he gave me a nice pose to sketch :) just a quick one,took 15 mins to finish it off!
There are couple of quick sketches from top I've done in my spare time,try to capture that moment into my sketchbook....Hope you enjoy it..cya! :)

Booze master

Post lunch work....

Post apocalyptic city Pt. 2

Did another matte in Apocalyptic theme but not at all happy with the output...don't know why! :(

Post apocalyptic city

Done in spare time at my studio...gathered a huge amount of references,study some unbelievable artists work...still struggling with light and shade and trying to get into that depth and mood of the scene!need some time to build that but untill I won't budge an inch..have a nice day fellas! :)

Daily sketch

Done this on Sunday night..was in a mood to sketch...discovered a complete acoustic band called "Acoustic Jim and the Wires" and was listening to that...just blew my mind!!!!guyz check out...cya some other time!have a nice day :)

matte pt.2

 I told ya I keep doin' this until it completely get in to my grasp :) Well I wanted to show,I mean the concept was a pirate island where wreckage boats and ships are scatter around the beach..did some thumbnail sketches in my sketchbook of how the things would be in place,how the whole thing would be composed....but alas!my studio scanner wasn't working so didn't able to put those sketches with it....anyways I wanted show the scene in the time of dusk with putting a spooky serene element into it...don't know whether I able to came up with that mood or not!I found interesting in the time of giving lighting  into the scene cuz' dusk lighting is a bit tricky one!but didn't get enough time to put some more things or sharpen the whole scene cuz' I ended up only in 2hrs or so...some studio works were on the line...keeping my study going on...and oh btw was checking some matte/concept art of an artist called Andree Wallin in guys can also check his incredible piece of it is cya in next time...have a nice weekend! :)


There's another matte I've done couple of days ago...was reading the book called "Eragon" and the first thing that strikes my mind is a scene of medieval castle on the top of the mountain cliff surrounded by some flying dragons and all...well I just got into that matte painting thing for couple of days now and I just can't wait to create more scenes cuz' it's so FUN to create each and every details on that,compose it with light and shade!I'm still struggling with the light and shade theory but I hope I'll take over here you go,a FANTASY matte painting for you guys...will post some more so do check...cya! :)


These days I'm concentrating on Matte Painting which I find very interesting and at the same time difficult and tricky!Just started doing some matte in my spare time but I literally suck on an amazing site called filled with some AMAZING works of artists...So just studying those stuffs and trying to imply it but need hell lotta some tutorials..will post some more matte stuffs!Have a nice day folks :)